Products certified for OK biodegradable WATER are GUARANTEED by TÜV to biodegrade in natural, freshwater environments and thus substantially contribute to the reduction of waste in rivers, lakes or any natural freshwater.
We believe this is the highest level of independent certification for fresh water biodegradability in the world.
Criteria required to be satisfied to be awarded OK biodegradable WATER certification status:-
1 Biodegradation
Passes Fresh Water Biodegradability testing
- Tested to ISO14851 and ISO14852 Fresh Water Biodegradability testing standard
- Achieves >90% biodegradability vs control (microcrystalline cellulose) in <56 days
- Triplicate testing to certification testing protocol
- Meets the biodegradability requirements of EN14987
- Tested conducted by an ISO17025 approved laboratory
- TÜV verification of testing standard, testing protocol, test data and approved test lab status
2 Ecotoxicity
Passes Aquatic Ecotoxicity Analysis
- TÜV verification of product data, source of data and that data meet ecotoxicity requirements
- TÜV, 3rd party, independent and trusted certification body.
- Certification & serial coded logo unique to the company owning the certification and products its related to
- certification can be easily verified to determine: if genuine, if current, the ownership and which product/s are certified
- TÜV issue serial numbered logos to certification owners. The serial number is unique to the certification owner.
Either the Logo Serial number or an individual certificate number can be entered into the TÜV certification check web page on their website.
- Entering the Logo serial number show all the certifications an organisation owns.
- EcoFairy Glitter's BioGlitter™ unique TUV logo serial number is S0933
TÜV OK biodegradable WATER Certified Bioglitter™ Product Ranges
The following Bioglitter™ ranges are certified:-
Cosmetic Bioglitter™ PURE (Natural, Opal & Vivid colour ranges)
- NEW Cosmetic Bioglitter™ HALO - only available in silver atm
- (coming soon to KANDOBODYART)
(above what I carry in stock)
Also these ranges available elsewhere...
Deco Bioglitter™ SPARKLE GC
Deco Bioglitter™ PURE & HALO
Craft Bioglitter™ GC